• From Cris Hassell on Opinion: Naming "Black Rocks" harbor

    Just name it after me “Cris Hassell Rock”! Or simply “Hassell Rock” for short, I will be honored! And so will the Renowned Hassell family of Saba our ancestors, out of Respect!
    Thank you!!

    2024/07/25 at 6:43 pm
  • From Capt Jack Sparrow on Police report of Monday, the 15th of July until Monday, the 22nd of July 2024

    He must have had one of those permits where you have to strangle the goat with your bare hands.

    2024/07/25 at 1:18 pm
  • From Cedric hassell on Saba Carnival’s Official T-shirt Presented

    It seems, that there is much more focus on partying and carnival than on the education of the Saba youths.

    2024/07/15 at 5:02 am
  • From Claire L Frankel on PEP Island Council Member Saskia Matthew: "Immediate Attention Required for Sacred Heart School Situation"

    To help the children, how about some volunteer tutors from the community. I can tutor in Math, starting in January 2025

    2024/07/12 at 10:11 pm
  • From Claire L Frankel on Universities form consortium to help Caribbean students

    Very good. Very good. We must try to do everything we can to support the success of our Caribbean students in higher education.
    1. More computer courses on how to search the internet to find information, courses, language help, etc.
    2. More help/ classes in the Dutch language, particularly vocabulary that Professors use
    3. Access to Caribbean food, so that the student’s stomachs are not upset all the time (Dutch food is a major adjustment)
    4. Mentors available to help students with any issue.

    from Windwardside, Saba

    2024/07/10 at 1:09 pm
  • From R Lee on Starlink to be discontinued in Caribbean Netherlands

    Correct me if I’m wrong. But, this sounds like the government is not allowing it, not Starlink.

    Didn’t I read here a few months ago about dedicated internet access for all on Saba? There are plans for fiber optics, if I remember correctly.

    Somebody is getting paid to install fiber optics. And now, Starlink is banned. Interesting. How convenient for the fiber people. Competition has been removed.

    Just a thought.

    2024/07/04 at 9:27 am
  • From Radio Rich on Starlink to be discontinued in Caribbean Netherlands

    Talk about going backwards

    2024/07/04 at 7:05 am
  • From Capt Jack Sparrow on Former "Scout’s Place" now officially dubbed "Scenery Hotel"

    At the very least, the bar/lounge area should have custom signage….”Scouts Place”.

    2024/06/29 at 3:42 pm
  • From Kees Jansen on Former "Scout’s Place" now officially dubbed "Scenery Hotel"

    The new owners seem to have no consideration for Saba’s history. Wait until someone wants to change the name “Windwardside” to “Mountain View” or so.

    2024/06/27 at 3:42 am
    • From Love Saba on Former "Scout’s Place" now officially dubbed "Scenery Hotel"

      Seems to me if you buy the place and pony up the money for all the renovations then you get to call it whatever you want.

      2024/06/30 at 10:55 pm
      • From R Lee on Former "Scout’s Place" now officially dubbed "Scenery Hotel"

        Back in Februari 2023, Saba-News reported Pensioenfonds Caribisch Nederland (PCN) is the investor of the formerly known, Scout’s Place, and, before that, Saba Government Guesthouse.

        Capt Jack has a great idea. Name the bar Scout’s Place.

        2024/07/05 at 10:28 am
  • From Tricia on Rules for residency permits change on July, 1st

    Welcome Back Home!!!!!
    Also Amongst Family & Friends With Open Arms!
    How Exciting for all!
    Saba Christmas 2024!
    Hell Heah!

    2024/06/25 at 5:42 am
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