Saba Bellot Players conclude competition

Saba Bellot Play­ers began their annual Eas­ter Bellot Competition in mid-March 2022. Twelve teams have met at the Saba Chinese Restaurant every Thursday evening since then to play belote, which is a card game primarily played in France and certain other European countries.

In Saba, where the game is spelled “bellot”, each team had to play the best out of three games with all other teams, all wins and losses counted and the two teams with the most wins went to the final. This year the two teams with the most wins were Julio Every/Travis Johnson and Peter Johnson/ Alwin Hylkema.

The teams played the best out of five games for the fi­nal on Thursday, May 12. It was a very close final with Johnson/Hylkema winning the first two games and Ev­ery/Johnson winning the final three games, making them the final winners of the competition. The first-and second-place winners received a prize. The eve­ning ended with a Chinese buffet for all players while they awaited the final game results.

“We would like to encour­age more `bellot’ players in Saba and the neighbouring islands to join us in future ‘bellot’ competitions,” said the organisation on Friday.

From left: Julio Every, Travis Johnson and Justin Yu.

The Daily Herald.

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