RCN recognises diversity week

Rijksdienst Cari­bisch Nederland (RCN) for the first time in Saba marked National Coming Out Day on October 11, which is part of RCN’s ac­tivities for diversity and in­clusion week.

RCN Policy Advisor Daf­tony van Bosse said that in 2022 the celebrations were only held in Bonaire. How­ever, it was decided to ex­tend the awareness to Saba this year. “We want to support our colleagues by encouraging them to be themselves and to let them know that they are accepted,” said Van Bosse.

Observed on October 11, National Coming Out Day is an annual lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) aware­ness day to support anyone “coming out of the closet”.

Saba’s RCN office raised the diversity flag for the first time on Wednesday.

“Today we raised the di­versity flag in solidarity, and it is the plan to raise the flag every year on Oc­tober 11, and on May 17, which is the commemora­tion of the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, and Transpho­bia,” Van Bosse said.

RCN’s week of activities will focus on the inclusion of Saba’s LGBTQ commu­nity. However, according to Van Bosse, there are other forms of diversity, such as differing religious beliefs, that RCN also wants to ad­dress.

The Daily Herald.

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