Police report of Monday, The 2 nd of September until Wednesday, the 4 the of September 2024

First arrest on Saba after introduction of breathalyzer

On Tuesday, the 3rd of September, Saba saw the first arrest for driving under the influence since the recent introduction of the breathalyzer test. Around 7:35 PM a 52-year-old man, with initials E.L.M., was arrested on JZ Ridge Road after being involved in a collision between two vehicles. By the new “botsen is blazen” policy (meaning a driver must take a breathalyzer test if he/she is involved in a collision), a breathalyzer test was administered to him. The test results showed that the suspect had consumed more alcohol than permitted by law. Following his arrest, he was taken to the police station for a breathalyzer test, upon which he was issued a 4-hour driving ban.

This first arrest marks the beginning of the strict enforcement of the new traffic regulations on Saba, with an emphasis on promoting traffic safety and preventing drunk driving accidents. The
introduction of the breathalyzer is a crucial step in this process, and these first arrests highlight the importance of complying with the law. The police will continue to crack down on violators to ensure road safety.

The Dutch Caribbean Police Force wants to remind everyone to consume alcohol in moderation when participating in traffic. This way you will prevent unpleasant situations for yourself but also for others. It is prohibited to participate in traffic if you have drunk more than the permitted amount of alcohol. Whether you have to go to the police station and receive a fine depends on the result of the breathalyzer test.

Breathalyzer test

The police use a breathalyzer to check whether you are under the influence of alcohol. You are required to cooperate with the breathalyzer test. This test indicates whether you have drunk more
than is legally allowed. The result of this test determines whether you must go to the police station for further investigation. Do you refuse? Then the police will draw up an official report. Depending on the breathalyzer test result, you must be taken to the station for a breath analysis. In this examination, the police use special equipment to measure exactly how much alcohol you have drunk.

Are you driving under the influence of alcohol?

Then you will receive a fine, a (temporary) driving ban, a prison sentence, or a combination of these penalties. The level of punishment depends on the severity of the situation. Are you involved in an accident? Then you will be tested for alcohol consumption faster than in a regular check.

Am I punishable as a pedestrian if I am drunk?

You may be. The police can file a report for public intoxication. Do the police find you in an intoxicated state? Then the police will rely on the appearance of intoxication and your behavior. The police will not then take a breathalyzer test.

Arrest Assault and Threat

On Tuesday, the 3rd of September, at around 1:05 PM, a 60-year-old man with the initials W.R.O. was arrested on Museum Street in Saba for assault and threatening.

The case is under investigation.


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  1. Rene caderius van veen

    At last !!!

  2. A 4 hour driving ban ? I guess that will teach him a hard lesson. 10 lashes with a wet noodle would have been excessive.

  3. All these street names, I could get lost there , don’t know half of them

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