Police report of Monday, the 15th of July until Monday, the 22nd of July 2024

Firearm confiscated

On Monday, the 15th of July, a firearm was confiscated by a patrol at Fort Bay in Saba. As the patrol drove toward Gray Pound Beach, officers saw two men standing. One of the men had a firearm in his hand. Further inspection for a valid permit to possess a firearm revealed that the man was carrying a document authorizing him to hunt goats but not to possess a firearm. The firearm was confiscated.

Theft of bicycle

On Wednesday, the 17th  of July, a report was made of the theft of a gray Trek bicycle. The bike was parked at a bus stop on an unnamed street in Zion’s Hill on Saba and was taken by unknown people between 10 PM on Monday, the 15th of July and 5:30 AM on Tuesday, the 16th of July. The case is under investigation.


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One comment

  1. Capt Jack Sparrow

    He must have had one of those permits where you have to strangle the goat with your bare hands.

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