Update by BES-reporter, January 9th
Opinion: The Chamber of Commerce should not be a self feeding monster
Original post
The businesses on the BES Islands have started a petion against the raise of the Chamber of Commerce fees. Check out their concerns HERE.
In short, per January 1, 2022 the annual contribution rates, for organizations registered in the Register of the Chamber of Commerce on the BES-Islands, have been established to range from $80 to $240 or $400 USD a year. In many cases, this represents a 200% to 400% increase. We object against this raise and ask the Parliament to take action.
You can sign the petition here: https://petities.nl/petitions/petition-against-the-raise-of-the-chamber-of-commerce-fees-bes-islands?locale=en
It is much appreciated if you share this petition within your network via email, social media or WhatApp!
The petition is only available in English and Dutch. Unfortunately, Papiamentu and Spanish are not supported by the petition platform.
Coen van Gennip, Flow, Create, Go