PEP Island Council Member Julio Every recently presented a motion to establish a structured process for naming of streets, buildings, monuments and other landmarks after renowned individuals. During the Island Council meeting last week Thursday, Every explained that the motion he presented aims to recognise the importance of preserving Saba’s cultural heritage and “honouring deserving individuals through a systematic and efficient process.” He noted that the current Monumenteneilandsverordening Saba 2010, which governs the preservation of monuments on the island, does not include provisions for naming locations after individuals.
The motion resolves that the Executive Council will develop clear criteria and policies for evaluating proposals to name streets, buildings, monuments, and other significant locations; formation of a heritage committee in collaboration with the Heritage Foundation to oversee the process; and to incorporate the naming process in the spatial planning and development framework for the island.
Governor Jonathan Johnson alluded to the existing ordinance, acknowledging that it should be revised, and therefore gave an advice to the Island Council to use the existing framework for naming and numbering, but reappoint a naming committee, as some of the registered members no longer work for the public entity Saba. He advised inviting external experts to reflect the diversity of the committee.
In addition, he advised considering more policy rules to give more guidelines for the type of names to be given; for example, more names related to the Saban culture, as currently most streets are named after trees, fruits and vegetables, with only a few places named after persons. Adding to this, he noted the rules for naming streets, which state that street names should not exceed 24 positions, street names may not be named after living persons and avoid using names already used.
Governor Johnson did not give an advice to pass the motion, but instead advised to amend the current policy by breathing new life into the ordinance and ensuring that the naming committee is incorporated in the spatial development bureau.
However, the Island Council members of both the WIPM and PEP factions unilaterally agreed to pass the motion after hearing Every’s counterargument in which he said that the points in his motion — developing the criteria and incorporation into the spatial planning bureau can be established after the motion is passed and consultation is sought before the law is implemented.
The Daily Herald.
So far the current Monumenteneilandsverordening Saba 2010 has no meaning at all and this is just a cheap implementation without any real impact!