Information session on Saba about Spatial Development Programme

Ministry of Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations senior policy advisor Hendrik Kats will be visiting Saba June 7-9. He will meet with the Executive and Island Councils and also wishes to meet with interested parties from the public, the business sector and non-governmental organisations.

Kats will hold a general information session about the Spatial Development Programme Caribbean Netherlands ROP-CN in the courtroom at the Government Administration Building in The Bottom 3:00-4:00pm Thursday, June 8.

This session is to inform the community and stakeholders about the Central Government’s spatial policy, paying particular attention to the implications for spatial planning on Saba.

In the situation that the public entity Saba develops a spatial devel­opment plan for the island, this programme provides guidelines to include national policy objectives.

The information session consists of a general presentation and opportunity to ask questions about the Spatial Development Pro­gramme Caribbean Netherlands.

Residents, entrepreneurs, local interest groups, public officials and other interested parties are welcome to participate in the presenta­tion or to visit during the kick-off session.

The Spatial Development Programme describes the policy objec­tives that have consequences for spatial planning on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba. The programme creates important frameworks for the spatial development plans on the islands. It focuses on vari­ous spatial policy issues, such as population growth, sufficient hous­ing, climate change and the preservation of cultural and natural values. The ROP-CN provides an overview of government policy and proposes measures to achieve sustainable spatial development. It promotes structured consultation between the public entities Bo­naire, St. Eustatius and Saba and the Central Government and is to contribute to an integrated policy structure on the three islands.

The Daily Herald.

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One comment

  1. Mr. Kats will meet the Island Council (s???): he could better stay in Holland; there our Island Council members are at the moment!!

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