Goat Removal in designated hunting zones

As part of the Nature and Environment Policy Plan for the Caribbean Netherlands, the Public Entity Saba continues with the removal of roaming goats for its livestock control project. The method to remove roaming goats is through (capturing and) shooting. For this, the Public Entity Saba has appointed a government hunter and several designated hunters to remove roaming goats.

Starting July 6th, shooting will take place in:

  • the Well’s Bay and up to the back of Troy Hill. The Ladder Bay area will be added at a later point in time.
  • the areas of Round Hill, Crispeen, Tara Ground, and part of the Bottom Mountain.

  • the areas of Johnny’s Ground, the Flat of the Nut Trees, the Schooner Bush, and Banana Gut.
  • the Sulphur Mine area.

Shooting will take place throughout the week and on weekends.

During this time, the zones will not be closed to the public. Hiking trails in and around this zone will remain open where possible. These include the Middle Island trail, Mary’s Point trail, Crispeen Track, the Bottom Mountain Trail, Tara Ground Trail, the Dancing Place Trail, and the Sulphur Mine trail. Signage will be placed at trail entrances to inform the public.

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One comment

  1. Hi, I’m a bit confused by this announcement ???
    But, then I am not a native English speaking guy, nor long enough on this beautifull Saba Island.

    Thus, already two times we could NOT walk the trail we wanted. Because of the shooting going on. It’s going on, here it says throughout the week and weekends. BUT trails will NOT be closed to the public. Any day of the week!?
    Still we encountered clear signs saying the trail is totally closed during the week for public, but open in the weekend as there is then NO shooting going on.
    Today we where at the beginning of the Sandy Cruz trail at Upper Hell’s Gate. And there is a sign, saying shooting is going on and the trail is closed for public. But, I think I have this feeling Upper Hell’s Gate is nót in the Designated Areas.
    Anyone can translate this Public Notice 62 for me in plain English?
    Greetings, Emiel
    PS: is this Carnival Monday included in the weekend?

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