“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen” Michael Jordan.
Coach Miguel ‘Diker’ Chiverton of Diker Sports Training Academy of St. Eustatius and Coach Shawn Skinner of Child Focus Foundation Basketball Team Saba (CFF) made it happen for the Saban youths with collaboration and hard work. CFF’s motto is “It takes a village to raise a child” so support and encouragement were extended for the trip to St. Eustatius to compete in the Basketball Tournament.

The CFF Basketball Team which is basically made up of Sacred Heart Elementary School and Saba Comprehensive School students was brilliant, skillful and strategic. Each age group implemented its game plan, coached by Mr Shawn Skinner, and played with speed and agility.
On Friday, November 10th, 2023 they won 4 games out of 5 games, and on Saturday, November 11th, 2023 they won 2 games out of 3.
This venture could not have been undertaken without the help of organizations, companies, groceries, and individuals.
Thank you to: Head of Community Development Ms. Rosalyn Johnson and Public Entity Saba, Child Focus Board Members, Makana-Saba C Transport, Do It Best, Princess Delight-Tracey van Putten, Statia Lodge, Brown’s Car Rental-Uchie, Mr. Rasmal Jones, and for water which is of utmost importance for the players- Big Rock Market, Unique Supermarket, Saba Wishes, Saba Emporium Market, and Shawn Electrical Service N.V.
Our youths are the future and Saba’s Community is proud of your achievements.