The Public Entity Saba wishes to remind pet owners of the dangers of exposure of children, pets and wildlife to rodent bait. The rodent bait (blue blocks containing Brodifacoum) currently being used on Saba are an important and effective tool in the management of rat and mice populations. Still, they must be used with extreme caution to prevent unintended poisoning.

Rodent Bait (Brodifacoum):
Brodifacoum is an anticoagulant poison, which is dyed blue, and reduces the clotting power of blood. Because of the delayed effects of this type of poison, owners may not associate the consumption of the poison with the onset of the signs of poisoning in an animal.
Signs of Poisoning:
Dogs usually show signs of poisoning 3-7 days after eating the blue bait blocks or poisoned rodents.
Signs of poisoning are associated with internal bleeding. They may include weakness, depression, increased respiratory rate, difficulty breathing, coughing (which may produce blood), pale gums, lack of appetite, distended abdomen, vomiting, bloody or dark stools/poop, and bruising.
Your pets’ stools/poop may appear blue/green in color around 2 days after they eat it.
If the signs of internal bleeding are not recognized and treated early, death may occur.
Even if you pet consumes a poisoned rat, there is a likelihood your pet can also experience symptoms of poisoning.
Treatment of Poisoned Animals:
Early detection and treatment can reduce the risk of serious poisoning.
If the owner observes the animal eating the bait, the veterinarian may induce vomiting.
Activated charcoal may be given after vomiting to help decrease the absorption of the poison.
The antidote to anticoagulant rodenticide is vitamin K1. A veterinarian can give this to help prevent or control the signs of poisoning. The treatment lasts for 30 days.
Safe Usage of Rodent Bait – How to protect your children, pets and wildlife:
Best practice is to only use this poison in bait stations which are located out of the reach of children and pets.
Bait stations are available at Do It Best. They can be refilled by Vector Control. In the future, Vector Control will not be providing rodent bait to individuals who do not have a bait station.
When exercising your animals, it is best to keep them on a leash or in direct eyesight to help ensure they do not eat foreign materials including rodent bait.
Please help to protect children, pets, and wildlife from poisoning, use bait stations when you use rodent poison.