Malachy Multi Media

Malachy Multi Media
Business Genre
Short Business Description
Malachy Mulimedia N.V. is Malachy Magee, a British Graphic Artist Educated and trained in the frozen tundra of the North East of England. 
Business Description - Expanded

Malachy Mulimedia N.V. is Malachy Magee, a British Graphic Artist Educated and trained in the frozen tundra of the North East of England.

With over 20yrs of design experience in England, continental Europe & the Caribbean. Malachy has produced ground breaking designs for companies and organizations such as; ABB, BICC Cables, Jarvis Facilities, Jennings Breweries, Federation Brewery, The European Space Agency, Durex, MFI, Sony, St. Eustatius Tourism Foundation & Saba Tourist Bureau.

Tired of towing the design party line Malachy came to the Caribbean in 2003 for a sabbatical, his original 3 month stay with friends expanded to a year, then 2 years, then 11...

Since then he's created numerous web sites, logotypes, literature and even got back in touch with his artistic side, paint brush in hand, illustrating signs for companies on his local island.


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