BES islands will get postal code in 2026

Residents of Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba (the BES islands) will receive a postal code in 2026. “Unfortunately, a quicker implementation is not possible because the postal code is not separate from the address registra­tion,” said Dutch caretaker State Secretary of Kingdom Relations and Digitisation Alexandra van Huffelen.

The necessary registra­tion of addresses will be achieved by means of aerial photography that was an­nounced last month.

A so-called ZIP code is said to be a long-cherished wish of residents. These should make it easier to order products online and will probably also improve the delivery of letters or cards.

All buildings on the three islands of the Caribbean Netherlands are mapped using aerial photographs and satellite images for an address registration. “We will introduce the code in 2026,” the outgoing state secretary wrote to the Sec­ond Chamber of Parlia­ment in The Hague.

The address registration and ZIP code are part of a broad package of measures in the area of digitisation. The storage of information about residents and com­panies is not yet linked, but divided between different organisations. A connec­tion is necessary for better online services by govern­ment agencies.

Van Huffelen previously announced that from 2025 residents will obtain a citi­zen service number BSN for communication with government.

These changes require good and safe information technology (IT) depart­ments. The Hague offers support in this regard and the National Service Carib­bean Netherlands RCN is adding a Chief Information Officer.

Last year Bonaire was connected to the Informa­tion Security Service of the Association of Dutch Mu­nicipalities VNG. Saba and Statia will follow.

“This means that they are supported in prevention, detection and knowledge building in the field of in­formation security,” stated Van Huffelen.

The Daily Herald.

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