Saba receives first official police enforcement car in the Caribbean Netherlands

On Wednesday, May 15th, a new enforcement car arrived on Saba, making Saba the first in the Caribbean Netherlands to have an official enforcement car. The new vehicle will be more clearly recognizable and is equipped with a siren, speakers, and a radio system.

Saba’s full-time general enforcers, Alexandria Hassell and Thompson Thomas fulfill the role of ensuring adherence to Saba’s laws and rules which are aimed at protecting a pleasant and safe living environment for all, with a primary focus on prevention in the form of explaining applicable ordinances and handing out warnings.

Additional enforcers include Justin Yu, responsible for the safety and general order of the harbor, Randall Johnson, overseeing the hygiene and vector control measures in his capacity as the Head of the Agriculture and Hygiene Department, as well as Tom Brokke and Marijn Van der Laan as rangers for Saba Conservation Foundation, responsible for enforcing marine environmental laws.

‘Having a more recognizable enforcement car is very welcome, as visibility within the community is important for our work, and with a new, fully equipped car, the significance of the work conducted by our enforcers is also emphasized,’ stated Head of Public Order and Safety, Walle Bos.


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