Sacred Heart School socially unsafe for Students and Teachers

The Social Safety at Sacred Heart School needs improvements

The social, mental, and physical safety of students and staff at Sacred Heart Primary School is currently insufficient.

Mariëlle Paul, State Secretary for Primary and Secondary Education,

Ongoing Concerns

The issue is not limited to isolated incidents but reflects a persistent pattern of neglect that has sustained an unsafe environment at the school. State Secretary for Education, Culture, and Science MarieIle Paul addressed this concern in a letter to the Second Chamber, announcing an emergency instruction issued to the Catholic Education Saba Foundation’s board.

Official Communication

On October 30, the Second Chamber was informed about an instruction imposed on the Foundation for Catholic Education Saba (SkoSaba) for maladministration. In November 2024, the Inspectorate of Education received several alarming reports concerning safety issues at Sacred Heart School (SHS), the only primary school on Saba. Following these reports, an emergency instruction was issued on December 13, 2024, based on the Inspectorate’s initial findings from its investigation concluded on December 3, 2024.

Investigation and Findings

Between November 18 and 22, the Inspectorate conducted an in-depth investigation into the social safety of students and staff at SHS. The findings indicated that the school’s governing body had failed to ensure adequate safety measures. This situation is attributed not to isolated events but to a recurring pattern of neglect.

The Inspectorate found substantial evidence of maladministration, concluding that the school board breached its duty of care. Due to the severity and urgency of the matter, immediate action was necessary, prompting the imposition of an emergency instruction.

Emergency Measures

The emergency instruction includes temporary measures the school board must implement urgently. These measures focus primarily on ensuring safety. The emergency instruction will remain in effect for six months, with a possible six-month extension if needed.

Context of Previous Actions

This recent intervention follows an earlier instruction imposed on October 30, 2024, due to financial mismanagement and long-term governance failures. The earlier directive aimed at strengthening the school’s board to ensure effective administration and educational quality.

Next Steps

The school board must act immediately to improve the safety situation. The Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science will continue to monitor the school closely and collaborate with stakeholders to support necessary improvements.

State Secretary Paul assured the Second Chamber that further updates would be provided as the situation evolves.

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  1. Capt. Jack Sparrow

    This article said a whole lot and yet said absolutely nothing. The only thing that made any sense was that there are financial problems and administrative failures. What exactly are the “safety” problems ?

  2. We should be informed of what the safety concerns are exactly. Every article about the school is so vague. Students should be tested to see if the level of education is up to par with other countries and based on those results, an improvement plan should be made.

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