• From Cris Hassell on Public Entity Saba Receives Prestigious Green Diamond Award for Recycling Excellence.

    Congratulations to Ms. Roxanne Simmons and to My brother Mr. Patrick Hassell for making it possible for Saba to achieve the Green Diamond Award !! It is good to see wonderful young Sabans being of valuable and Dynamic-Outstanding Service to Small Saba! It is also good to see organizations Such as the Cadwell Recognize the hard work and Efforts of Public Servants

    “Everybody can be great because everybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love.” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    On the other hand we need to see Politician serve Saba and its wonderful people better. We need to give the opportunity to a New generation of Leaders to lead Saba as island Lt. Governor and Commissioner. We need more transparency in the Undemocratic WIPM Government that has No Vision for the whole of Saba since the 15th year long Dictatorship!

    Cris Hassell

    2024/01/10 at 7:56 pm
    • From Juane Simmons on Public Entity Saba Receives Prestigious Green Diamond Award for Recycling Excellence.

      Congratulations to all.

      2024/01/11 at 6:41 am
  • From Cris Hassell on CBS: Saba most expensive island in Caribbean Netherlands

    Saba most Expensive Island in the Caribbean Island, this is where the Johnson-Zagers WIPM Party has got Saba! I wonder how long it will take for people on Saba to open their eyes and put New people in Power! Time is clicking and a lot of people are being affected. Teachers being laid of unexpectedly, Lack of Transparency, Nepotism, Dictatorship, Suppressing of the Press and Public Opinions and obviously no significant help and relief for the people who actually need it! The Government disaster on Saba is bigger than I actually thought, may almighty God help us All!

    “All we say to Saba’s Leaders is to be true to what you said on paper… Somewhere I read of the freedom of speech. Somewhere I read of the Freedom of Press. Somewhere I read that the greatness of Saba is the right to protest for rights and to demand what Saba needs from the Executive Council!

    Cris Hassell

    2023/12/12 at 11:06 am
  • From JustFacts on Letter to the Editor: Music more important than English on Saba

    Just for clarity, The ESL teacher chose to leave Saba and return back to her home country.

    As much as an asset as Mrs.Marisol was, It was her choice to leave Saba, not the SHS choice.

    Devils advocate here:

    Is SHS looking for a new ESL teacher? Ask them for clarity and truths sake.

    Maybe they have been trying, but the position could not be properly filled with a qualified applicant???


    Maybe they no longer have funds for this?

    We won’t know, unless we ask SHS or their Executive director to clarify.

    @SHS – Can you clarify the above for readers inquisition?

    2023/12/11 at 7:56 am
    • From Noname on Letter to the Editor: Music more important than English on Saba

      Dear JustFacts

      The in Oktober newly appointed ,eager, qualified ESL teacher who was working (and running ) between both schools., whom has been and will be a resident on Saba for a long, long time ,has indeed been fired.
      As I understand. ..against the wishes of both principals.

      The day before Saba Day.
      That is indeed a fact.

      2023/12/11 at 11:37 am
      • From Tricia on Letter to the Editor: Music more important than English on Saba

        That is shocking to hear! Makes absolutely no sense at all! As I know how good of a teacher …..this particular woman is!!!!!!! How does that make any common sense at all? I have no children…BUT the island’s future is our island children…Doesn’t take any brains to admit this!?!? Praying for a solution to the education issue on island…life’s only guarantee to a bright future is a Bright Child with assistance to be their best!

        2023/12/19 at 9:08 am
  • From Tricia on DEJONG opens law office on Saba

    So very excited to have our own Law Office On island! I Am Proud of and Happy for DeJong Services! This is a Great Lawyer.. As I have gone to him for years now for advise! And ….Have Never Ever Been let down!!! I am sure Soon we will be on another project together…Thus in regards to an issue of Services…. NOT being rendered on Island! Thanks for taking on this Adventure Gerald! Cheers! All the Best Moving Forward! Tricia

    2023/12/06 at 6:30 am
  • From James on Military fully present on Windward Islands for Hurricane Relief Exercise

    Great to see the military providing crucial support and aid to the Hurricane-stricken Windward Islands!

    2023/11/30 at 11:36 am
  • From Radio Rich on Ombudsmen: Swift action needed to address poverty

    ‘Although the Dutch govern­ment endorses the recom­mendations and conclusions of the Ombudsmen’s three previous reports, it is tak­ing too long before it acts on these in a tangible way.’

    You can do as many studies and reports that you like but the reality on the ground is, if you don’t actually, practically do anything, nothing will change, just the usual politricks, talk but no action.


    2023/11/24 at 6:11 pm
  • From Werner van der Linden on The statutory minimum wage on the BES islands to be raised to $1,750 on July 1st

    At this moment the minimal wage per hour is $8.27 ($1,434 per month or $17,208 per year).
    By the first of July 2024 this will be raised to $10.09 ($10) an hour ($1,750 per month or $21,000 a year)

    2023/10/28 at 12:56 pm
  • From Henrik Lockhart on The statutory minimum wage on the BES islands to be raised to $1,750 on July 1st

    how much is the hourly minimum wage now and how much will it be on July first?
    I don’t understand $1,750…

    2023/10/20 at 5:13 pm
    • From Radio Rich on The statutory minimum wage on the BES islands to be raised to $1,750 on July 1st

      Remember we’re dealing with politicians here, many of whom have never lived in the real world. My understanding is $1750 is the minimum monthly wage you will be paid if you are full time employed. I understand your concern, an hourly wage would be helpful. My best guess is based on a 40 hour work week, so the hourly would be $10.94. Hope this helps…

      2023/10/21 at 6:31 am
      • From Henrik Lockhart on The statutory minimum wage on the BES islands to be raised to $1,750 on July 1st

        a lot of people don’t work exactly 40 hours a week or 160 hours a month… maybe in February but not others. Besides the average person will not remember $10.94 an hour. $1,760 would be $11 an hour!!!! much better!

        2023/10/21 at 2:47 pm
        • From Anon on The statutory minimum wage on the BES islands to be raised to $1,750 on July 1st

          The math is actually $1750 per month, x 12 months = $21000 per year, divided by 2080 hours per year (52 weeks times 40 hours) = $10,10 per hour.

          2023/12/19 at 10:42 am
  • From Malick on Task Force Bottlenecks Caribbean Netherlands to continue its work.

    On the issue of connectivity, the evaluation is not showing all the concerns of Saba people. One area in particular is the unreasonable restrictions on Sabans, who go over to get a few needed supplies. If it cannot fit in your suitcase, then you are out of luck. Meanwhile, there are all different boxes loaded for residents of Statia. We see it and some of us have images to prove it.

    What I am saying is as follows: we know this is a ferry service, however there needs to be some leeway to allow residents who go over to get some shopping done the ability to carry a box, or two of a certain size. Another option is probable to designate a certain day…say Thursdays, as a day that this is allowed.

    2023/09/26 at 8:12 am
  • From Radio Rich on New Tobacco and Tobacco-Related Products Ordinance Goes into Effect September 1

    I highly commend the decision to ban vapes, so incredibly addictive, more so that cigarettes (in my opinion and experience). It’s a huge global problem. Well done Public Entity!

    2023/09/05 at 6:00 am


Saba News