• From Patricia on Saba to begin cervical cancer screening

    This is such good news! Very exciting! But what if you are over 60? And want it done?

    2022/02/03 at 8:31 pm
  • From Radio Rich on Tropicbird research on Saba provides important data

    Great news, well done chaps!

    2022/02/03 at 5:15 pm
  • From Gersh on Dutch bank account one step closer for islands' residents

    The headline is hugely misleading. Only Dutch citizens will be eligible, not all island residents. And not businesses. It’s also unclear whether these will be ‘Euro’ accounts, which aren’t of much help on a USD denominated island. This progress (sic) doesn’t come close to the underwhelming announcement of bank accounts for Saba residents made by Hoekstra, last year.

    2022/02/02 at 3:10 pm
  • From Radio Rich on F3 Fun Free Fitness Center officially opened

    Well done Mr. Granger! Looks awesome!

    2022/01/24 at 3:56 pm
  • From Capt. Jack Sparrow on Limit to visits to Dutch Caribbean

    Talk about “stifling representation”. How about they just show up and say it wasn’t a “planned” visit. Must have got this out of the Russia Parliament playbook.

    2022/01/19 at 8:10 pm
  • From Radio Rich on Update Covid 19 status, Wednesday, January 26th

    We are coming out the other side, this is great news!

    2022/01/15 at 1:19 pm
  • From Radio Rich on F3 Fun Free Fitness Center will soon open in The Bottom

    This is great news ☺️

    2022/01/13 at 12:37 pm
  • From René Caderius van Veen on Covid-19 Status update, Thursday, January 13th, 2022

    How bad! Consider a lock-down starting next weekend!

    2022/01/04 at 9:54 pm
  • From René Caderius van Veen on Saba introduces 500 dollar fine for breaking quarantine or isolation measures

    How sad that this has been necessary! Shame on all people who are responsible for this !!!

    2022/01/03 at 7:05 pm
  • From Cristian Hassell Feliciano on Letter to the Editor: Opportunity or Oppression on Saba?

    12 years ago before 10-10, I saw this coming but always remember in God We Trust and No wrong can last 100 years! You are very brave to speak up on little Saba!!!! Saba was good to me in many ways but there is always room for improvement! I do agree with you on the part that help should be given first preference and greater assistance in all endevours to the local and native people but also foreigners and immigrants should be equally respected! I urge everyone not just on saba but all over the world to emancipate yourselves from mental slavery such as racism and nationalism are mental slavery!!!
    Cristian Hassell Feliciano

    2021/12/05 at 7:53 am


Saba News