• From Werner van der Linden on The statutory minimum wage on the BES islands to be raised to $1,750 on July 1st

    At this moment the minimal wage per hour is $8.27 ($1,434 per month or $17,208 per year).
    By the first of July 2024 this will be raised to $10.09 ($10) an hour ($1,750 per month or $21,000 a year)

    2023/10/28 at 12:56 pm
  • From Henrik Lockhart on The statutory minimum wage on the BES islands to be raised to $1,750 on July 1st

    how much is the hourly minimum wage now and how much will it be on July first?
    I don’t understand $1,750…

    2023/10/20 at 5:13 pm
    • From Radio Rich on The statutory minimum wage on the BES islands to be raised to $1,750 on July 1st

      Remember we’re dealing with politicians here, many of whom have never lived in the real world. My understanding is $1750 is the minimum monthly wage you will be paid if you are full time employed. I understand your concern, an hourly wage would be helpful. My best guess is based on a 40 hour work week, so the hourly would be $10.94. Hope this helps…

      2023/10/21 at 6:31 am
      • From Henrik Lockhart on The statutory minimum wage on the BES islands to be raised to $1,750 on July 1st

        a lot of people don’t work exactly 40 hours a week or 160 hours a month… maybe in February but not others. Besides the average person will not remember $10.94 an hour. $1,760 would be $11 an hour!!!! much better!

        2023/10/21 at 2:47 pm
        • From Anon on The statutory minimum wage on the BES islands to be raised to $1,750 on July 1st

          The math is actually $1750 per month, x 12 months = $21000 per year, divided by 2080 hours per year (52 weeks times 40 hours) = $10,10 per hour.

          2023/12/19 at 10:42 am
  • From Malick on Task Force Bottlenecks Caribbean Netherlands to continue its work.

    On the issue of connectivity, the evaluation is not showing all the concerns of Saba people. One area in particular is the unreasonable restrictions on Sabans, who go over to get a few needed supplies. If it cannot fit in your suitcase, then you are out of luck. Meanwhile, there are all different boxes loaded for residents of Statia. We see it and some of us have images to prove it.

    What I am saying is as follows: we know this is a ferry service, however there needs to be some leeway to allow residents who go over to get some shopping done the ability to carry a box, or two of a certain size. Another option is probable to designate a certain day…say Thursdays, as a day that this is allowed.

    2023/09/26 at 8:12 am
  • From Radio Rich on New Tobacco and Tobacco-Related Products Ordinance Goes into Effect September 1

    I highly commend the decision to ban vapes, so incredibly addictive, more so that cigarettes (in my opinion and experience). It’s a huge global problem. Well done Public Entity!

    2023/09/05 at 6:00 am

    Brandon is the party!
    He makes the room swing…sing/dance/watch! All fun with Brandon! Saba Rocks It with King D.J./ Host!
    Band contributor many times over! Lead singer plus!
    We are happy to party with him any where any time!
    GO BRANDON GO!!!!,♨️

    2023/09/04 at 3:31 pm
  • From Tricia on Saba Red Cross calls for new volunteers, board members

    I am so glad Etsel stepped up to the plate!!!
    This has been a great program since I moved here on island..and we experienced our first Saba Hurricane! I have been through Hurricanes in Florida….but we’re many resources there.
    I am proud to see the work he will accomplish in this position and am here to assist! Cheers! All the best Etsel!

    2023/09/01 at 8:58 am
  • From Tricia on Four special enforcement officers sworn in

    How Nice…. For the extra safety precautions on Island Saba!
    After all the police force can only be in so many places at once! And we have grown in number …..not from the medical school….permanent livers…..staying for a good while.
    And I especially liked all the personal statements given by each representative. I find each to be respectful and thoughtful persons and are not the kind of person to abuse their positions either, This I am so excited for this Progress Forward!

    2023/08/25 at 1:45 pm

    Winair should thank the Saba residents for paying so much money for each flight so that Winair as a company makes a good profit, the Board has a good income and the WINAIR employees enjoy high salaries ( and nevertheless bully passengers in SXM) .
    (Shortened by Editor)

    2023/08/18 at 5:03 pm
  • From Cris Hassell on Saba has surplus in second quarter

    A Surplus on the Budget of 1.7 million is Great! But this Zagers and Johnson Dictatorship on Saba for 15 years just cannot work, this cannot go on! The Surplus of 1.7 million should be used to help the poorest families on Saba and not the richest not the Johnson Family and Zagers Family and whom they choose to help. Chapter 1 of the Constitution lays down the rights of all persons in the Netherlands. These ‘fundamental rights’ are principally human rights and democratic rights. They include freedom from discrimination, freedom of religion and expression and the right to privacy. Social rights, such as the right to housing and health care, are also laid down in the Constitution.
    Since the Netherlands is part of NATO and the EU: The The European Union describes its values as being ‘Human Dignity, Freedom, Democracy, Equality, Rule of Law, and Human Rights’. Democracy is a cornerstone of the project that is the European Union and has been since its inception.
    The Appointment of Governor Jonathan Johnson for 15 years and Commissioner Bruce Zagers 15 years is Against Dutch Democratic Constitutional Law and the European Union Constitutional Law and the United Nations. In the United States The governor holds the office for four years and can choose to run for reelection. The Governor is not eligible to serve more than eight years in any twelve-year period.

    If democracy is to have breadth of meaning, it is necessary to adjust this inequity. It is not only moral, but it is also intelligent. We are wasting and degrading human life by clinging to archaic thinking.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Cristian Hassell Feliciano

    2023/08/18 at 4:09 pm
  • From GiveFishermanCreditWhereItsDue. on Vessels in distress

    Spirit of Saba, A SABAN vessel with Captain Nicholas Johnson towed the St.Kitts boat into the Saba Harbour after being notifed and saved those souls on the vessel named “Playboy”.

    Please edit your story for the true facts.

    Saban fisherman never get credit with the amount of rescues, tows etc they are always performing and the coast guard always seems to be able to take the credit and land the applause. It’s not fair. Give credit where it’s due. If it’s the coast guard, applause. If it’s a local island fisherman, applause… but give the credit where it’s due.

    Nicholas Johnson has many rescues under his belt and deserves this recognition and willingness to always provide assistance.

    God bless our fisherman!

    2023/08/15 at 1:11 pm
    • From GiveSabanInstitutionsTheirName on Vessels in distress

      This is the second time I’ve seen reports where Saban vessels are not given due credit. Ryan Hassell with the vessel Navigator and Nicholas Johnson with his vessel Spirit of Saba. Also the Saba Conservation Foundation has been involved multiple times in towing vessels in distress.
      This is why the Dutch Caribbean coast guard continues to be referred to as ” calm weather flies”. No respect.

      2023/08/17 at 11:13 am


Saba News