As part of their mission to assist the Public Entity Saba to acquire EU Budget Support, consultants, Dr. Sergio Ugarte and Mr. Sef Maessen conducted training on the requirements of this program for the staff of the public entity as well as that of Saba Electric Company (SEC). The meeting was held in the SEC conference facilities while several participants followed the training online, in line with Covid protocols.
EU Budget Support is a method of providing subsidies that respect the autonomy of the recipient because funding is transferred directly to the accounts of the beneficiary as a contribution to the realization of development goals set by the local government itself. Public Entity Saba will use this money towards the goal of the energy policy 2020 – 2025 which is to achieve sixty percent of energy requirements being supplied through renewable energy on the island.
Further financial assistance towards Saba attaining this goal will be requested from the Ministry of Economic Affairs & Climate and from the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Netherlands.
The training took place from Tuesday, March 29 through Friday, April 1 and cumulated with a small ceremony in the Court Room in the Government building where the participants received their certificates. Commissioner Rolando Wilson thanked all participants for their effort and dedication in working to make Saba even more sustainable with affordable electricity prices in the future. He urged everybody to push to ultimately have Saba running on one hundred percent energy from renewable sources.
GIS Saba