On Tuesday, September 6th, 2022, The Sea and Learn Foundation, represented by its founding director, Ms. Lynn Costenaro was honored by the Prins Bernhard Culture Funds Caribbean Region with the culture prize 2022 for Saba in the area of Nature Conservation, for their outstanding contribution toward nature education with their outreach programs that have been running for nearly 20 years. The Sea and Learn event has been running since 2003 and takes place every year in October. The Sea and Learn foundation brings nature experts from the United States and other countries to present nature to the wider community.

A small luncheon ceremony was held at Chez Bubba Restaurant in Windwardside honoring the board of the Sea and Learn foundation for their extraordinary work over the years. Mr. Halder Lam, President of the Prins Bernhard Culture Funds Caribbean Region, accompanied by the Vice President of the PBCCG, Mrs. Lourdes Croes, and the Director of the Prins Bernhard Funds in the Netherlands, Mrs, Cathelijne Broers were all present to hand over the culture prize to the Sea and Learn Foundation. Local historian, Mr. Will Johnson and winner of the PBCCG culture prize in 2017, for preserving the history of Saba, was also in attendance at the luncheon. President, Mr. Halder Lam also took the opportunity to hand over the PBCCG’s 2021 year report to the Island Governor, Mr. Jonathan Johnson at the luncheon.
Ms. Lynn Costenaro and Emily Malsack, the Operational Director of Sea and Learn, gladly received the culture prize for 2022 designed by Mrs. Hortance Brouwn in the form of an egg representing the symbol of creation with offshoots representing an explosion of all art forms from ideas that are born. The culture prize is awarded every two years to each of the six Dutch Caribbean Islands for achievement in the field of history, literature, visual arts, music, theater, arts and cultural education, conservation of monuments, and nature conservation.
Saba’s representative for PBCCG, Ms. Angelita Peterson accompanied the visiting delegation on an Island Tour where they visited the Saba Conservation Foundation, and Artist, Mrs. Heleen Cornet’s beautiful mural in the Sacred Heart Church in the Bottom who also won the PBCCG culture prize in 2019.
In the afternoon, the visiting delegation took a walking tour on the way to the Harry L. Johnson Museum where they were impressed with Sea and Learn’s Adopt-A-Box project which the Prins Bernhard Funds Caribbean Region is also a proud sponsor of. The innovative Adopt-A-Box project helps to enhance the island’s tourism product while also creating awareness for nature and cultural heritage.
During their visit to the Harry L. Johnson Museum, they were acquainted with the history of the Captain who had previously owned the 100-year-old cottage. They also viewed some of the naïve artwork of Mr. Harry L. Johnson and admired the Saba Lace work on display.
Before the PBCCG left at the end of the day, they met with the board of the Saba Association of Caribbean States who gave a wonderful presentation about their upcoming plans to have a “Leer Orkest” on Saba.
Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds
Great and well deserved!!!
Dear Lynn
Congratulations much deserved !!!!
I know Malcolm sends his best wishes and will be scattered on the dancing place trail soon !!!
Rodney Engen
The Peak resident
1996- 2009
Lynn Costenaro & Sea & Learn Program!
Wow!! 20 years of GIVING BACK… TO OUR BEAUTIFUL ISLAND & ALL OF WE!!! Unselfishly!!!!!
Don’t Cha just wish?..there were more folks whom could give us a gift…..that keeps on giving!
****A HUGE THANK YOU..To our wonderful favorite- former Dive Shop Owners…..Lynn & John & All
Whom contribute th the success of Saba’s SEA & LEARN PROGRAM!!!!
Congratulations, well deserved. Keep up the great work of educating and sharing knowlidge.
LYNN : Congrats on the awards and accolades for your unending works over the years for Sea and Learn and Sea Saba activities. Have been diving since 1957 in places around the world and Saba and Sea Saba people have given me some of my most memorable dives and experiences !!!! THANK YOU for your contributions since 1996.