Delegations of Saba Cares and the Public Entity Saba, including Commissioner of Public Health Rolando Wilson and Head of the Planning Bureau Bobby Zagers, met late January to discuss the purchasing of two plots of land situated in The Bottom for a new Nursing Care Facility.

Photo from left: Mrs. Judith Meijer Director Saba Cares, Commissioner Mr. Rolando Wilson Public Entity Saba, Mr. Sydney Sorton Chairman Supervisory Board Saba Cares, Mr. Robert ‘Bobby’ Zagers Planning Bureau Public Entity Saba, Mrs. Hanneke Magee-Quist Manager Services Saba Cares. Not in the picture are members Ms. Evita Pronk, Planning Bureau Public Entity Saba, Mr. Tim Muller, Island Secretary Public Entity Saba and Mr. Jerome Felida Ministry of Public Health, Wellbeing and Sport.
The land is bought to realize a new nursing care facility for our elderly and vulnerable persons in the community. In 2019, Saba Cares asked the community what would be their dream care facility through a series of meetings with the public, stakeholders and employees. With the help of housing corporation Woonlinie in the Netherlands, Saba Cares was able to create a vision based on all the feedback it received.
For the past year Saba Cares, Public Entity Saba and the Ministry of Public Health, Wellbeing and Sport (VWS) have been working closely together to make that vison come a reality for the Saba community. Together with Triatact, a housing consultancy company from the Netherlands, everything was put together to create a realistic and effective preparation.
The two plots of land are located in The Bottom and are adjacent to the land already owned by Saba Cares. The structures on those plots will soon be demolished so that the land can be prepared for building later this year.
Members of the New Nursing Home Steering Committee in front of newly purchased property. Not in the picture are members Ms. Evita Pronk Planning Bureau Public Entity Saba, Mr. Tim Muller Island Secretary Public Entity Saba and Mr. Jerome Felida Ministry of Public Health, Wellbeing and Sport.
Photo from left: Mrs. Judith Meijer Director Saba Cares, Commissioner Mr. Rolando Wilson Public Entity Saba, Mr. Sydney Sorton Chairman Supervisory Board Saba Cares, Mr. Robert ‘Bobby’ Zagers Planning Bureau Public Entity Saba, Mrs. Hanneke Magee-Quist Manager Serv