Starting this week, therefore, a campaign has been launched to inform the population about the Community Officer, but also to inform about, among other things, the duties of the Community Officer and in what cases and how to contact them. The Community officers are also going to profile themselves individually so that they are better known and more visible in their area of operation.

Each week it is the turn of a Community Officer in the order shown in the list below. Take a look at the Facebook page: Korps Politie Caribisch Nederland and tune in to the radio stations for more information.
Fransiscus Nous/Dwayne Lindo St. Eustatius
Ronald Schleper Playa
Claudette Raphaela Tera Kòrá
Edson Frans Rincon
Irvin Anthonij Nort Saliña
Victoriano Statie Antriol
Victoria Melaan Saba
With the Community Officer, the Dutch Caribbean Police Force wants to give you as a resident of your neighborhood a sense of security and peace of mind. The Community Officer wants to be closer to you, to think with you, and to be attentive to situations that may arise. More Community Officer presence contributes to a better society and a better island.