In the week of the 16th to the 20th of May 2022, the Department of Community Development organized the Anti-bulling week, and with the support and help of our stakeholders, we had a week full of activities.

The goal of the anti-bullying week was to bring awareness to the community on Saba. At the same time, it was also to prepare the community to be positively open towards the other steps to be taken against bullying. We believe that Bullying is a community problem that needs to be addressed by the community as a whole. This week was set out to be a week of activities for children, young adults, and the elderly. The theme chosen for this year was: DO NOT BLURT, WHAT MIGHT HURT.
The activities were held at the Primary School, in the morning, and at Juliana’s sports field, in the afternoon. The emphasis of the activities is that the problem of bullying behavior is named as the behavior we would not want to see and instead it was indicated which behavior we all would want to see as a positive behavior.
On Friday the 20th of May we had a closing assembly at the Primary school, where all the classes had a chance to demonstrate what they have learned during the week. In the afternoon we held the closing of the event in the Sunny Valley Youth Center. Children, caretakers, and some parents attended this event. We closed this event with prices, thanksgiving, and appreciation to the attendees. The children enjoyed their disco with music provided by Augustino Marten along with snack boxes and fruit sticks.
As Department, we want to thank our government and all stakeholders. Special thanks to the Media department, the Sacred Heart School who hosted the activities in the morning, Public Health with their contribution to the field activities, (M.H.C) Mental Health Caribbean with the training for Caretakers about the function of the brains to avoid or tackle bullying behavior. (Z.J.C.N) Zorg en Jeugd Caribisch Nederland with the Anti- bulling tree and activities. (ASC) Saba girls and boys Sports Society After School Care, for hosting the activities in the afternoon. Also, the parents and last but not least all the colleagues of the Department of Community Development itself.
Department of Community Development