The Island clean-up is on its way

A huge thank you to our volunteers this morning at Fort Bay for participating in the first day of the island clean-up!

Join us tomorrow from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Hell’s Gate (Meeting Point: Bus stop) as we unite to keep Saba beautiful and pristine! Be a part of something amazing and make a difference in our community.
Join us for any or all days and help us keep our island clean and beautiful!
Tuesday, June 25th: 8 AM – 11 AM at Hell’s Gate by the Bus Stop
Wednesday, June 26th: 8 AM – 11 AM at St. John’s in the School Parking Lot
Thursday, June 27th: 8 AM – 11 AM at Windwardside by the Tourism Office
Friday, June 28th: 8 AM – 11 AM at The Bottom by the Government Building

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