Saba News’ Classified Ads section
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The Saba News’ Classified Ads section is a free, online service of Saba News to the community of Saba where businesses, organizations and professionals, connected to Saba, can present themselves. As a default, we have created sub-sections for the ads. Please let us know if you have suggestions to improve this.
The last five ads that we have received will be placed in a side column on the front page of Saba News. You may also present your business or organization in more detail in the Yellow Pages section. You can manage the content of your page yourself.
You need to register as a User on the Saba News BEFORE you can post a listing. Registration is required to ensure that access to your listing is private. You only have to do this once, but you need to log in again if you want to update the content of your listing. “New” businesses or organizations may directly register an account here:
Register as a new user on Saba News
The registration request is confirmed to you by email. To avoid the access of spammers to the site, the Editor will review your request ASAP. As soon as your account is accepted, you will be informed by email. Then you can log in and you can post, edit, and manage your listing without further assistance from the Editors. Your content is secure: only you can access your content. Your first listing requires approval from the Moderator before it is published online. In case your content is inappropriate, readers can report it to the Editor, who then can take action.
Editing your listing
You’ll have to log in to the Yellow Pages or Classified Ads section before you can edit your listing
or use the menu option under the “About” option at the top of the page. Then go to your listing and select “Edit“. You can only edit your own listings, so your content is safe.
Your Listing
You have full control over the content of your listing.
More help needed?
Click here to contact the Editor