Saba Freediving School

Saba free diving school

Saba Freediving School
Main St
Saba, Dutch Caribbean

Telephone: Phone +599 4169213

Opened in late 2015, Saba Freediving School offers training and instructions for divers of all levels. AIDA Training Center, owned and managed by Luis Fonseca, who is a pioneer in the diving industry in Venezuela. Besides loving the sport of freediving, Luis has a genuine interest in the preservation of the natural environment. By teaching “zero impact” techniques and philosophies during every program, he makes every trip an educational experience.

Luis has been a professional Instructor since 1981. Now proudly running AIDA courses, he has the endorsement from main diving regulating organizations like CMAS, the oldest freediving organization in existence

We specialized in guided personalized freediving, eco-expeditions, and freediving instruction, geared to those people who exhibit a genuine concern for the aquatic habitat and the conservation of our fragile environment.

Our mission is to teach our student, how to connect body, mind, and spirit acquiring capabilities to make deeper and longer dives while interacting with amazing sea life on a single breath of air

Explore the Saba underwater world without heavy equipment.

  • Freediving Trips
  • Freediving Certification Courses
  • Freediving Training
  • Freediving Animal Encounters
  • ZEN Freediving Program
  • Rescue Course & EFR
  • Professional Guided Snorkeling
  • Photo and Video
  • Gear Rentals


Sea Saba
Saba Divers

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